Tuesday, February 3, 2009

of all the things to share

so. thought lots about what to share today...long and hard as the day went by...and this is what will win in the end!  i had a fabulous day with my friends on facebook...POKING...that's right, just poking...nothing more, nothing less...i 'poke' you and then you 'poke' me...that's all there is...and as it happens, as i updated my status and kept count of the number of pokes being given to me...more friends added into it and i was being poked from all directions...billy asked at one point, "so, what happens" and I said, "absolutely nothing more than I get an update that says, 'you were poked by....'"..."that's it", he replied, "yep"..."huh"............................................and the day is history and i'm going to bed...happy!  something about people reading my status and taking the time to comment, poke or look that makes me feel connected, cared for and part of the world, in a really unusual and surprisingly simple way...

had a chat with alison a couple of days ago about the 'pokin' thing...she is in brooklyn, ny...we graduated hs together, not friends, just acquaintances...and yet, now, we poke...i mentioned that it was fun to be able to poke her from a couple thousand miles away and her response, "yeah, i was thinking about that too...something in the background of my day, its nice"...and i smiled...a simple 'poke' and we are connected...

1 comment:

The Boss of this page said...

this is so well written. i love it!