Thursday, March 26, 2009


There is nothing in the world like...
Being home from work early, after a very long day of meetings...I hear the dog start to get excited and run to the door... Then I hear, "MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY and Little Miss Stephanie (4) comes running around the corner and jumps into my arms! Wraps her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck and screams out, "I MISSED YOU, I LOVE YOU!" day, my world, my life is complete! ...Then Sarah (2), comes around the corner and does the exact same thing!!! How did I get this blessed!...and, then, Faith (3) comes around the corner, comes to my legs and hugs tight, "I MISSED YOU MOM!"...I am overwhelmed with love for these girls...They are sweaty, dirty and have had a great day at school and they are so happy to be home. I have had my very long day and am so happy to be home. I love my family...

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